Genicom GEK 00031B Printer User Manual

Chapter 5. Proprinter Emulation GEK-00029B
HT Horizontal Tab:
Advances the print position to the next horizontal
tab stop. If there are no tab stops between the print position and the
right margin, the HT is ignored. Tab stops are set by the command
ESC D. Default tabs are set every eight columns, beginning at
column 9.
Decimal: 9
Hex: 09
LF Line Feed:
Advances the paper one line by the current setting for line
space. If the LF causes paper to exceed the form length, a form feed
occurs. Acts as a line terminator.
Decimal: 10
Hex: 0A
BASIC: CHR$(10);
NUL Null:
NUL is ignored by the printer when received by itself. If received
as part of a graphics data sequence, it is interpreted as a graphics
space. Null is used by some escape sequences to end a series of
parameters. When used as a parameter of a sequence looking for an
even or odd value, it is considered even. Example: ESC S NULL
causes superscripting to occur.
Decimal: 0
Hex: 00
SI Shift In:
SI causes condensed printing. It sets the printer to 17.1 cpi
(8.55 cpi if double-wide printing is enabled). Condensed printing
remains in effect for subsequent lines until cancelled.
Decimal: 15
Hex: 0F
BASIC: CHR$(15);
SO Shift Out:
SO causes double-wide printing for the current line only.
Decimal: 14
Hex: 0E
BASIC: CHR$(14);
VT Vertical Tab:
VT advances the paper to the next vertical tab setting
and returns the print position to the left margin. A maximum of 64
vertical tabs is allowed per form. The vertical tabs are set using ESC
B. The paper is advanced one line if no tab is set beyond the current
Decimal: 11
Hex: 0B
BASIC: CHR$(11);