Genicom GEK 00031B Printer User Manual

Chapter 5. Proprinter Emulation GEK-00029B
ESC - n Underscore:
When underscoring is enabled, all printable characters
and all space characters. including leading space characters. are
underlined. Leading white space preceding a horizontal tab stop is
not underlined. Not recommended for use with line draw characters.
n = 1, underscoring is enabled
n = 0, underscoring is disabled
Decimal: 27 45 <n>
Hex: 1B 2D <n>
BASIC: CHR$(27);CHR$(45);CHR$(<n>);
ESC _ n Overscore:
When overscoring is enabled. all printable characters and
all space characters, including leading space characters, are
overscored. Leading white space preceding a horizontal tab stop is
not overscored. Not recommended for use with line draw characters.
n – 1 enabled
n – 0 disabled
Decimal: 27 95 <n>
Hex: 1B 5F <n>
BASIC: CHR$(27);"_<n>";
ESC \ n1 n2 Print Continuously from All Character Chart.
Allows printing all
the 256 characters and symbols (even those normally used as control
codes) in the all character chart. The total number of characters to be
printed from the all character chart is specified by n1 and n2
according to the formula: n1 + (256 * n2).
Example: To print 400 characters from the chart send
Decimal: 27 92 <n1> <n2>
Hex: 1B 5C <n1> <n2>
BASIC: CHR$(27);"\<n1><n2>";
ESC ^ Print Single Character from All Character Chart:
The next
character received is printed from the all character chart.
Decimal: 27 94
Hex: 1B 5E
BASIC: CHR$(27);"^";
ESC : Set 12 cpi Printing:
Sets the printer to 12 cpi (6 cpi if double-wide is
enabled). DC2 resets to 10 cpi.
Decimal: 27 58
Hex: 1B 3A
BASIC: CHR$(27);":";