Chapter 5. Proprinter Emulation GEK-00029B
ESC H Stop Double-Strike Print
Decimal: 27 72
Hex: 1B 48
BASIC: CHR$(27);"H";
ESC I n Select Print Mode
n = 0 selects Draft Resident, USA
n = 1 selects Draft 12 CPI (Fast) Resident, USA
n = 2 selects NLQ Resident, USA
n = 3 selects NLQ H (Courier) Resident, USA
n = 4 selects Draft Download. Multi/USA
n = 5 selects Draft 12 CPI (Fast) Download, Multi/USA
n = 6 selects NLQ Download, Multi/USA
n = 7 selects NLQ H (Courier) Download, USA
n = 8 selects Draft Download. USA
n = 9 selects Draft 12 CPI (Fast) Download, USA
n = 10 selects NLQ Download, USA
n = 11 selects Alternate NLQ II Resident (Italic). USA
n = 12 selects Draft Download, Multi/USA
n = 13 selects 12 CPI Fast) Download, Multi/USA
n = 14 selects NLQ Download, Multi/USA
n = 15 selects Alternate NLQ 11 (Italic), Download, USA
Decimal: 27 73 <n>
Hex: 1B 49 <n>
BASIC: CHR$(27);"I<n>";
ESC J n Variable Line Feed:
This command advances the paper a distance
specified by the value of n in units of 1/216 inch. The value "n" can
be a value from 0 to 255. The variable line feed is not stored, so there
is no effect on line spacing values.
Decimal: 27 74 <n>
Hex: 1B 4A <n>
BASIC: CHR$(27);"J<n>";
ESC N n Set Skip Perforation:
Sets the perforation skip distance to n lines.
ESC N is reset when the form length is changed. Valid parameter
values are 1 - 255. The printer converts the number of lines (n) to
inches using the current line spacing and saves the skip distance in
inches. The skip perforation distance does not change when the line
spacing is changed. Also, in this chapter, see ESC 0.
Decimal: 27 78 <n>
Hex: 1B 4E <n>
BASIC: CHR$(27);"N<n>";
ESC 0 Cancel Skip Perforation:
Resets the skip perforation value to zero
Decimal: 27 79
Hex: 1B 4F
BASIC: CHR$(27);"O";