Genicom GEK 00031B Printer User Manual

Chapter 7. Dec LG/Compaq LG Plus Emulation GEK-00029B
S8C1R Select 8-Bit Code:
In an 8-bit environment, this sequence allows
receipt of 8-bit control strings.
General Command Syntax
Indeterminate Conditions
For all subsequent characters, the printer processes received 2-
character sequences as defined in the C0 control chart and 8-bit
control characters as defined in the C1 control chart.
Decimal: 27 32 55
Hex: 1B 20 37
BASIC: CHR$(27);” 7”;
SOCS (Proprinter) Select Other Coding System:
Selects the Proprinter emulation.
General Command Syntax
ESC % =
Decimal: 27 37 61
Hex: 1B 25 3D
BASIC: CHR$(27);”%=”;
ROCS Stop Bar Coding (Return from Other Coding System):
Stops bar
code printing. Once bar coding is stopped, the font selection and
associated attributes are restored to the conditions prevailing prior to
bar code printing.
General Command Syntax
ESC % @
Decimal: 27 37 64
Hex: 1B 25 40
BASIC: CHR$(27);”%@”;
CUU Cursor Up:
Causes the active print position to move to the
corresponding column at the preceding vertical position set by the Pn
value. Pn is the number of lines that the active line moves up at the
current active column. Default value Pn = 1.
General Command Syntax
ESC [ Pn A
Indeterminate Conditions
If you try to move the active position above the top line, the active
position stops at the top line.
Decimal: 27 91
Hex : 1B 5B
BASIC: CHR$(27);”[“;