GEK-00029A 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
ESC | n Set Left Margin:
Sets the left margin to n columns in the current
cpi. When proportional mode is in effect, the settings are treated as
though they were set for pica (10 cpi horizontal). Before the new
margin is set, all print data is flushed. The minimum space allowed
between the left and right margin is the distance equal to the width of
one double-wide pica character. This command clears any existing
horizontal tabs and installs the defaults (every eight columns).
Decimal: 27 108 n
Hex: 1B 6C nH
BASIC: CHR$(27);"I";CHR$(n);
ESC Q n Set Right Margin:
Sets the right margin to n columns in the current
pitch. When proportional mode is selected, the settings are the same
as they would be for pica pitch (10cpi horizontal). The minimum
space between the left and right margin is the width of two pica
characters. Note that before the right margin is set, this command
sequence causes all print data to be flushed. Column numbering
begins at zero. If the right margin value is invalid (within the width of
two pica characters of the left margin or exceeds the maximum
columns), the current margin is unchanged. This command clears
any existing horizontal tabs and installs the defaults (every 8
columns based on the left margin).
Decimal: 27 81 n
Hex: 1B 51 nH
BASIC: CHR$(27);"Q";CHR$(n);