Genicom GEK 00031B Printer User Manual

GEK-00029B 5000 Series Programmer’s Manual
ESC [ p1 ; p2 ; p3 q GENGRM – Select Graphics Mode:
Selects the graphics mode,
format, and horizontal or vertical density for dot graphics.
The first parameter selects the graphics mode: the second parameter
selects the vertical spacing, and the third selects the horizontal dot
value Selects Graphics Format
null Reserved: Vertical format 60h x 72v if no <p2> or <p3>
0 Reserved: Vertical format 60h x 72v if no <p2> or <p3>
1 Reserved: Vertical format 120h x 72v if no <p2> or <p3>
2 Reserved: Vertical format 120h x 144v if no <p2> or <p3>
3 Reserved: Sequence ignored
4 Horizontal format 60h x 72v if no <p2> or <p3>
5 Similar to 4, above, if <p3> = 5, 6, or 7, else ignore
6+ Reserved: Sequence ignored
Note: <p2> and <p3> are ignored in this mode.
p2 Selects Vertical Density
null 72dpiv (p1=4 only)
0-6 144dpiv
7+ 72dpiv
p3 Selects Horizontal Density
null 60dpih (p1=4 only)
0-3 Reserved: Leave current value unchanged
4 Reserved: Leave current value unchanged
5 Reserved: 120dpih
6-7 120dpih
8-10 Reserved: 60dpih
11+ 60dpih
Decimal: 27 91 <p1> <p2> <p3> 112
Hex: 1B 5B <p1> <p2> <p3> 70
BASIC: CHR$(27);"[<pl><p2><p3>q";
This sequence must be sent before entering the graphics mode
with ESC P.