Chapter 4. Printronix P Series Emulation GEK-00029B
Backspace Backspace <BS>
: Moves the logical print position to the left one
character space toward the first character column. When configured
from the control panel for backspace, BS moves the character
position one character space to the left at the current character pitch
setting. This code is ignored if the logical print position is at the first
character column.
Decimal: 8
Hex: 08H
Indeterminate Conditions
This code can also be configured form the control panel to print
double-high characters instead of a backspace.
Bell Bell <Bel>:
The printer's audible alarm will sound for 1/2 second
when the bell code is received by the printer.
Decimal: 7
Hex: 07H
Indeterminate Conditions
Bell code cannot be disabled.
Carriage Return Carriage Return <CR>:
Returns the logical print position to the first
character column. The CR code may or may not cause printing or
paper motion, depending on the CR CODE configuration parameter
Decimal: 13
BASIC: CHR$(13);
If the CR CODE option menu is set for CR=CR, the characters
following the CR are printed over the previous characters on the line.
If identical characters are placed in the same position on the line,
those characters are printed in double strike print when the
Overstrike mode is enabled from the control panel.
The CR=CR configuration causes subsequent printable data to
overprint previous data at half speed if Overstrike is enabled from the
control panel (and prints somewhat faster if Overstrike is disabled),
unless an intervening paper motion command is received.
If the CR CODE is configured for:
Control code CR is converted to perform a carriage return and line
feed function.