Data is missing, but
there are no printer
1. Check your software application to be sure the print file contains
no errors.
2. Check your cable to ensure that it is securely connected to both
the printer connector and the computer connector.
3. Your parallel printer cable may be defective. Use a high-quality
cable; see Chapter 1 for an HP printer cable part number.
Printing stops in the
middle of the job.
1. Check the control panel for an error message.
2. If you are on a network, make sure your computer is correctly
configured and there is not a network problem (see your network
3. Check your line voltage to ensure that it is steady and within
printer specifications. (See Appendix A, “Specifications.”) Turn the
printer OFF and then back ON.
4. Check the time-out setting in your network application. It may
need to be increased.
5. If you are trying to copy a file to the printer from the DOS prompt,
use the copy command COPY filename LPTn /B (where
the number of printer port, such as LPT1).
Note: To output the page, you may have to send a formfeed
command from your computer or from the Job Control Menu.
Maintenance &
EN Maintenance and Troubleshooting 7-13