Statistics 2Var app 221
Statistics 2Var app
The Statistics 2Var app can store up to ten data sets at one
time. It can perform two-variable statistical analysis of one
or more sets of data.
The Statistics 2Var app starts with the Numeric view which
is used to enter data. The Symbolic view is used to specify
which columns contain data and which column contains
You can also compute statistics in Home and in the
Spreadsheet app.
The values computed in the Statistics 2Var app are saved
in variables. These can be referenced in Home view and
in other apps.
Getting started with the Statistics 2Var app
The following example uses the advertising and sales data
in the table below. In the example, you will enter the data,
compute summary statistics, fit a curve to the data, and
predict the effect of more advertising on sales.
Advertising minutes
(independent, x)
Resulting sales ($)
(dependent, y)
2 1400
1 920
3 1100
5 2265
5 2890
4 2200