32 Getting started
Entry Textbook: An expression is
entered in much the same way as if
you were writing it on paper (with
some arguments above or below
others). In other words, your entry
could be two-dimensional.
Algebraic: An expression is
entered on a single line. Your entry
is always one-dimensional.
RPN: Reverse Polish Notation. The
arguments of the expression are
entered first followed by the
operator. The entry of an operator
automatically evaluates what has
already been entered.
Integers Sets the default base for integer
arithmetic: binary, octal, decimal,
or hex. You can also set the number
of bits per integer and whether inte-
gers are to be signed.
Complex Choose one of two formats for
displaying complex numbers:
(a,b) or a+b*i.
To the right of this field is an
unnamed checkbox. Check it if you
want to allow complex output from
real input.
Language Choose the language you want for
menus, input forms, and the online
Setting Options (Continued)