424 Functions and commands
vpotential Returns U such as curl(U)=V.
gives [0,-2*x*y*z,-x^3/3+4*x*z+3*y]
when Used to introduce a conditional statement.
WHILE Used to indicate the conditions under which a statement
should be executed.
XOR Exclusive or. Returns 1 if the first expression is true and the
second expression is false or if the first expression is false and
the second expression is true. Returns 0 otherwise.
yellow Used with display to specify the color of the geometrical
object to be displayed.
zip Applies a bivariate function to the elements of two lists.
Without the default value its length is the minimum of the
lengths of the two lists and the shorter list is padded with the
default value.
zip('+',[a,b,c,d], [1,2,3,4]) gives
| Substitutes a value for a variable in an expression.
Returns the square of an expression.
Inserts pi.
Inserts a template for a partial derivative expression.
Inserts a template for a summation expression.
Inserts a minus sign.
Inserts a square root sign.
Inserts a template for an antiderivative expression.
Inserts a not-equal-to sign.