300 The Explorer apps
Quadratic Explorer app
The Quadratic Explorer app can be used to investigate the
behavior of as the values of a, h and v
Open the app PressI and select
The left half of the display
shows the graph of a
quadratic function. The
right half shows the
general form of the equation being explored at the top
and, below it, the current equation of that form. The keys
you can use to manipulate the graph or equation appear
below the equation. (These will change depending on the
level of equation you choose.) Displayed beneath they
keys is the equation, the discriminant (that is, ),
and the roots of the quadratic.
Graph mode The app opens in graph
mode. In graph mode,
you manipulate a copy of
the graph using whatever
keys are available. The
graph—converted to
dotted lines—remains in
place for you to easily see the result of your
Four general forms of quadratic equations are available
for you to explore:
[Level 1]
[Level 2]
[Level 3]
[Level 4]