522 Programming
1. In the Application
Librray, select the
Statistics 1Var app
but don’t open it.
I Select
2. Tap
3. Enter a name for the new app (such as
4. Tap twice.
The new app appears in the Application Library.
5. Open the new app.
6. Open the Program Catalog.
7. Tap the program to
open it.
Each customised
app has one
program associated
with it. Initially, this
program is empty.
You customize the
app by entering functions into that program.
At this point you decide how you want the user to interact
with the app. In this example, we will want the user to be
able to:
• start the app
• specify the number of sides (that is, faces) on each
• specify number of times to roll the dice
• start the app again.
With that in mind, we will create the following views:
The START option will initialize the app and display a
note that gives the user instructions. The user will also
interact with the app through the Numeric view and the