An introduction to HP apps 87
Common operations in Symbolic Setup view
[Scope: all apps]
The Symbolic Setup view is the
same for all apps. Its primary
purpose is to allow you to
override three of the system-wide
settings specified on the Home
Settings window.
SY to open Symbolic
Setup view.
Override system-wide settings
1. Tap once on the setting you want to change.
You can tap on the field name or the field.
2. Tap again on the setting.
A menu of options appears.
3. Select the new setting.
Note that selecting the Fixed, Scientific, or
Engineering option on the Number Format menu
displays a second field for you to enter the required number
of significant digits.
You could also select a field, tap , and select the new
Restore default settings
To restore default settings is to return precedence to the settings
on the Home Settings screen.
To restore one field to its default setting:
1. Select the field.
2. Press
To restore all default settings, press SJ.