366 Functions and commands
• Mode: Specifies how to calculate the statistic:
– 1 = Less than
– 2 = Greater than
– 3 = Not equal
HypT1mean The hypothesis test HypT1mean is a one-sample T-test for
comparing means.
HypT1mean(SampMean, SampStdDev, SampSize,
NullPopProp, SigLevel, Mode)
• Mode: Specifies how to calculate the statistic:
– 1 = Less than
– 2 = Greater than
– 3 = Not equal
HypT2mean The hypothesis test HypT2mean is a two-sample T-test for
comparing means.
SampStdDev2,SampSize1, SampSize2, pooled,
SigLevel, Mode)
• Mode: Specifies how to calculate the statistic:
– 1 = Less than
– 2 = Greater than
– 3 = Not equal
ConfZ1mean The ConfZ1mean calculates the confidence interval for a one-
sample Z-test.
ConfZ1mean(SampMean, SampSize, PopStdDevm
ConfZ2mean The ConfZ2mean calculates the confidence interval for a two-
sample Z-test.
ConfZ2mean(SampMean1, SampMean2,
SampSize1, SampSize2,
PopStdDev1,PopStdDev2 ConfLevel)