Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 146
List of inverter trip factors
Upper part of trip factor code (indicating the factor)
Lower part of trip factor code (indicating the inverter
Name Code Name Code
No trip factor 0 Resetting 0
Overcurrent protection during constant-
speed operation
1 Stopping 1
Overcurrent protection during deceleration 2 Decelerating 2
Overcurrent protection during acceleration 3 Constant-speed operation 3
Overcurrent protection during stopping 4 Accelerating 4
Overload protection 5 Operating at zero frequency 5
Braking resistor overload protection 6 Starting 6
Overvoltage protection 7 DC braking 7
EEPROM error 8 Overload restricted 8
Undervoltage protection 9 SON or FOC operation in progress 9
CT error 10
CPU error 11
External trip 12
USP error 13
Ground-fault protection 14
Input overvoltage protection 15
Instantaneous power failure protection 16
Power-module temperature error (with the
fan stopped)
Power-module temperature error 21
Gate array communication error 23
Phase loss input protection 24
Main circuit error 25
IGBT error 30
Thermistor error 35
Braking error (added) 36
Emergency stop error 37
Electronic thermal protection at low speeds 38
Easy sequence error (invalid instruction) 43
Easy sequence error (invalid nesting count) 44
Easy sequence execution error 1 45
Easy sequence user trip 0 to 9 50 to 59
Option 1 error 0 to 9 60 to 69
Option 2 error 0 to 9 70 to 79