IBM RELEASE 7.3 Computer Drive User Manual

pressing the Delete button.
5.1. Monitoring Server Information
A server that is running and connected to SSM will allow the SSM user to view and update its
information. This section describes the server execution statuses and configuration information.
A typical HPSS server allows the SSM users to control its execution and monitor its server related data
through the Basic Server Information window and the server specific information windows. These
windows are described in the following subsections.
5.1.1. Basic Server Information
This window allows you to view the basic information associated with an HPSS server. The information
is acquired from the server itself. While this window remains open, it will be automatically updated when
the status of the server changes.
The Basic Server Information window is not be available for viewing if the server’s operational state is
Broken, Not Enabled, or Unknown, or the System Manager is unable to contact the server.
Field Descriptions
Server ID. The UUID for the server.
Server Name. The descriptive name of the server.
Operational State. The Operational State of the server. This state indicates the overall health of the
server. Possible values are:
Enabled - The server is running normally.
Disabled - The server is not running because it has been shut down by SSM. You will not
normally see this state on this window since the server must be running to provide the state
Suspect - The server has seen an error that may indicate a problem is developing.
Minor - The server has seen a problem which does not seriously impact HPSS operation.
Major - The server has seen a problem which degrades HPSS operation.
Broken - The server has shut itself down due to a serious error.
Usage State. The Usage State of the server. Possible values are:
Active - The server is working normally.
Idle - The server is running, but has no work to perform. Most servers do not update Usage State
dynamically, so it is unlikely you will see this value reported.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 125