[ added unix user ]
[ KADMIN_PRINC unset; using kadmin.local for Kerberos ops ]
[ adding kerberos principal ]
[ added kerberos principal ]
HPSS/LDAP home directory: /
Primary group ID#: 210
[ adding ftp user ]
[ ftp user added ]
[ adding ldap principal ]
[ added ldap principal ]
[ adding ssm user ]
1) admin
2) operator
Choose SSM security level
(type a number or RETURN to cancel):
> 1
[ ssm user added : admin ]
If the -nohome option is not specified when adding an FTP user, you must authenticate (using
kinit) as that user before running hpssuser, or hpssuser will be unable to create the FTP home
directory for the user. Because of this limitation, you MUST supply the -nohome option when
adding a user using the -all flag. Add a UNIX User ID
The hpssuser utility can be used to create UNIX identities and to create unix keytabs by using the
following syntax:
hpssuser -add <user> -unix [-unixkeytab <path>]
The utility will prompt the user for required data. Following is an example of adding a UNIX User ID
and creating a UNIX keytab:
# hpssuser -add user1 -unix -unixkeytab user1.keytab
User ID#: 300
Primary group name: hpss
Enter password for user1: ******
Re-enter password to verify: ******
Full name: Test User
Login shell: /bin/ksh
Unix (local/system) home directory: /home/user1
[ adding unix user ]
[ added unix user ]
[ adding unix keytab entry to 'user1.keytab' ]
[ added unix keytab entry to 'user1.keytab' ]
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 326