none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 swap swap defaults 0
jupiter:/auto/home /home nfs defaults 0
LOCAL:/ /tmnt hpssfs noauto,cos=2 0
LOCAL:/home/user1 /home/hpss/user1 hpssfs noauto,maxsegsz 0 0
remote-site:/home/user2 /home/remote- hpss/user2 hpssfs noauto,ip=eth0 0
The last three entries are VFS Interface mount entries (indicated by the file system type “hpssfs”). The
first two of these provide for the HPSS directories from the local HPSS site to be mounted on to two
local mount points. The last entry provides for a directory tree from a remote HPSS site to be mounted on
to a local mount point. See the man pages for the /etc/fstab file and the mount(8) command for more
information about setting up this file.
The above HPSS directory trees then can be mounted as follows:
# su -
# mount /tmnt
# mount /home/hpss/user1
# mount /home/remote-hpss/user2
14.4.3. Mount Options
The VFS Interface provides mount options to better meet specific usage scenarios. The following table
lists the mount options which can be specified either via the mount command (using the -o option) or
via /etc/fstab.
Table 5. HPSS VFS Interface Mount Options
Mount Option Mount Description
Seconds to cache file attributes. The shorter this value, the more frequently
communication to HPSS is required. Synchronization between separate vfs nodes
or mount points may benefit for a shorter cache period with the expense of longer
Seconds to cache directory attributes. The shorter this value, the more frequently
communication to HPSS is required. Synchronization between separate vfs nodes
or mount points may benefit for a shorter cache period with the expense of longer
Size of stack. You should not have to change this.
Doesn’t do anything at this point. Possible future use.
Seconds to cache file attributes. The shorter this value, the more frequently communication
to HPSS is required. Synchronization between separate vfs nodes or mount points may
benefit for a shorter cache period with the expense of longer latencies.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 352