volume labels can be entered and a request to add the disks to a storage class can be
• Create Tape Resources. Opens the Create Tape Resources window where a list of tape
volume labels can be entered and a request to add the tapes to a storage class can be
• Delete Resources. Opens the Delete Resources window allowing deletion of existing tape or
disk storage resources.
• Export Volumes. Opens the Export Volumes window which exports tape cartridges and disk
volumes, making them unavailable to HPSS.
• Move Cartridges. Opens the Move Cartridges To New PVR window allowing ownership of
tape cartridges to be transferred between PVRs.
• Migrate/Purge Data. Opens the Active Storage Classes window. From this window, a
storage class may be highlighted and a migration or purge can be started by selecting the
corresponding button.
• Repack/Reclaim Tapes. Opens the Active Storage Classes window where a storage class
may be highlighted and the Repack Volumes or Reclaim Volumes button selected to
perform the operation.
Ping System Manager. Selecting this submenu option tests the connectivity between the GUI and the
System Manager. If the ping is successful, nothing will happen. If the ping is unsuccessful, an error
message will be displayed.
Shutdown. This submenu provides a quick way to send a shutdown request to any server other than the
Startup Daemon. If you want to shutdown a particular server or set of servers, use the Shutdown or
Force Halt buttons on the Servers list window. The System Manager cannot be shutdown via the
Servers list window. The Startup Daemon cannot be shutdown at all using SSM.
• All Non-SSM Servers – Selecting this option sends a shutdown command to all servers other
than the System Manager and Startup Daemon. Note that some servers may take a few
minutes to shutdown. To restart the servers, select the servers in the Servers list window and
press the Start button.
• System Manager – Selecting this option sends a shutdown command to only the System
3.8.3. Configure Menu
It is recommended that the System Administrator configure an HPSS system traversing the
Configure menu in top down order since some configuration items have a dependency on others.
Subsystems. Opens the Subsystems list window where a list of all configured subsystems can be viewed,
new subsystems can be configured or existing subsystems can be deleted. Additionally, from the
Subsystems list window, accounting statistics can be viewed and reports can be generated.
Policies. This submenu lists the policy types that can be configured for HPSS.
• Accounting. Opens the Accounting Policy window allowing configuration and management
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 55