IBM RELEASE 7.3 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 4. Global & Subsystem Configuration
This chapter discusses two levels of system configuration: global and storage subsystem. The global
configuration applies to the entire HPSS installation while subsystem configurations apply only to
servers and resources allocated to storage subsystems.
For new HPSS systems, it is recommended that the first step of configuration be the partial definition of
subsystems. The subsystems should be defined at this point except for their Gatekeeper and Default COS
information. The Global Configuration should be created after Server configuration is complete. Last
of all, the subsystem configuration is completed by adding the definitions of the Gatekeeper and Default
COS. See Section 1.3: HPSS Configuration Roadmap (New HPSS Sites) on page 1.3.
4.1. Global Configuration Window
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 72