Chapter 11. Files, Directories and Objects by SOID
This chapter describes two ways to display basic information about files and directories stored in HPSS.
Starting with a fully qualified path name, you can look up a file or directory in the system and display
information about it. In other cases, your starting point may be a SOID, a Storage Object ID, which is the
internal computer generated name for files, directories, and virtual volumes. Some utility programs
report the names of objects of interest as SOIDs.
SOIDs are more difficult to deal with manually as they are not intended to to be used that way. But, they
contain all the necessary information to identify the server, object, and object type, so they can be used to
zero-in on a very specific internal data structure, such as a bitfile or virtual volume, that would otherwise
be very difficult to isolate and display.
11.1. Files & Directories Window
This window is reached through Monitor – Lookup HPSS Objects – Files & Directories. The
pathname of either an HPSS file or directory may be entered. Use the Show File/Directory button to
display specific information.
Field Descriptions
Absolute Path Name. The absolute path name (or fully qualified path name), in the HPSS name space,
of the file or directory that is to be displayed. If the path name to the file or directory is not valid, then
lookup will fail. If the path name is to a symbolic link or junction, then the object displayed will be the
object pointed to by the symbolic link or junction.
Show File/Directory. If the Absolute Path Name exists, clicking on this button will open the
File/Directory Information window. The Lookup Files and Directories window will remain open so that
the administrator may specify another file or directory.
Dismiss. Closes the window.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 317