This window displays information about a disk volume as represented by the Core Server.
Field Descriptions
Name. The ASCII name of the first physical volume that is a part of the disk virtual volume. The entire
virtual volume can be referred to by this name.
VV Condition. This is the administrative control for the disk virtual volume. It will have one of five
values: RWC, RW, RO, EMPTY or DOWN.
• In RWC condition, the volume can be read and written. This is the normal operational state.
• In RW condition, the volume can be read and written, but new disk storage segments may not be
created on the volume.
• In RO condition, the volume can be read but not written. New storage segments cannot be created
on the volume.
• In EMPTY condition, the volume cannot be read or written. All storage segments have been
removed from the volume, and new segments cannot be created. Since this condition represents a
physical state of the volume, the operator may not change the volume to this condition. EMPTY is
displayed by the server when the Condition is RO and there are no storage segments in the
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 270