1. Add the HPSS_RESTRICTED_USER_FILE environment variable to /var/hpss/etc/env.conf. Set
the value of this variable to the name of the file that will contain the list of restricted users.
For example:
2. Edit the file and add the name of the user to the file. The name should be in the form:
The realm is not required if the user is local to the HPSS realm. For example:
3. You may put comment lines in the file by beginning the line with a “#”.
4. In order for the file to become effective, restart the Core Server, press the Reload List button on
the Restricted Users SSM window or REINIT the Core Server.
NOTE: The file should be configured on the system where the root Core Server is running; this
is the Core Server associated with the Root Name Server. Additionally, if running with multiple
storage subsystems on different machines, be sure to configure the
HPSS_RESTRICTED_USER_FILE on each machine where a Core Server runs.
2.5.1. Restricted Users Window
This window lists all the root Core Server users restricted from HPSS access. To open the window, from
the HPSS Health and Status window select the Configure menu, and from there select the Restricted
Users menu item.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 29