3.3.3. SSM Configuration File
The hpssgui and hpssadm scripts use the SSM configuration file, ssm.conf for configuration.
The mkhpss utility will create the SSM configuration file for the security mechanism supported by SSM.
The mkhpss utility will store the generated ssm.conf at $HPSS_PATH_SSM; the default location is /var/
hpss/ssm. The configuration file will contain host and site specific variables that the hpssgui and
hpssadm script will read. The variables contain information about:
• SSM hostname
• SSM RPC number
• SSM RPC protection level
• SSM security mechanism
• SSM UNIX Realm [only if using UNIX authentication]
If any of these configuration parameters are modified, the ssm.conf file must be updated and redistributed
from the server machine to all of the SSM client machines.
Users can also use their SSM configuration file to manage SSM client parameters instead of using the
command line options. The hpssgui and hpssadm scripts can be directed to use an alternate SSM
configuration file with the -m option. The default SSM configuration file contains comments describing
each of the available parameters that may be set along with any associated environment variable and
command line option. The following table documents these variables and the corresponding command
line options:
Table 1. SSM General Options
File Option Command Line
HPSS_SSM_ALARM_RATE -A Alarm refresh rate
LOGIN_CONFIG -C Full path to login.conf file
HPSS_SSM_DATE_FORMAT -D Date format pattern
HPSS_SSM_ALARMS_GET -G Number of alarms requested per poll
How long hpssgui/hpssadm waits
between polling for lists
HPSS_SSM_ALARMS_DISPLAY -N Max number of alarms displayed by
HPSS_SSM_CLASSPATH -P Full path to hpss.jar file
LOG_FILE -S Full path for session log file
HPSS_SSM_WAIT_TIME -W How long SM waits before returning if
object is unchanged
HPSS_SSM_CNTRY_CODE -c Country code, internationalization
HPSS_SSM_DEBUG -d Debug flag
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 39