UID. The User ID identifying the user owning the root node of the fileset.
GID. The Group ID identifying the principal group owning the root node of the fileset.
Permissions. The UNIX-style permissions assigned to the root node of the fileset. There are nine
checkboxes arranged in a matrix with the columns specifying "r" (read), "w" (write) and "x"
(execute) permissions, and the rows specifying the three classes of users to which the
permissions apply (User, Group, and Other). If a checkbox contains a check, it means that access
is permitted. For example, if the checkbox in the "x" column and the Group row contains a
check, it means that Group users have execute access.
Delete. Requests deletion of the currently displayed fileset. A confirmation will be requested
before the request is sent to the Core Server. If the deletion is successful, a message will appear
on the status line at the bottom of the window and all fields and buttons will be disabled (except
for the Dismiss button). Note that only empty filesets may be deleted.
Freeze. Clicking on this checkbox freezes the window; in other words, all automatic updates to
the window are suspended. Toggling the checkbox again returns the window, and the checkbox,
to their normal conditions. Any accumulated changes that occurred while the window was frozen
are immediately displayed.
Update. Requests that the currently displayed fileset information replace the fileset information
currently kept by the Core Server.
Refresh. Requests that the current information about this fileset be fetched from the Core Server.
Dismiss. Closes the window.
10.4. Deleting Filesets
Filesets must be empty in order to be deleted. The Core server will reject the deletion request if the
fileset is not empty.
Filesets may deleted by selecting the filesets on the Filesets & Junctions List and pressing the Delete
button. The following confirmation will be displayed;
To continue with the fileset deletion, press “Yes”.
Filesets may also be deleted from the Core Server Fileset Information window using the Delete button.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 314