Chapter 10. Filesets and Junctions
A fileset is a logical collection of files that can be managed as a single administrative unit, or more
simply, a disjoint directory tree. A fileset has two identifiers: a human readable name, and a numeric
fileset ID. Both identifiers are unique to a given HPSS realm. Filesets are often used for HPSS name
space administration. For example they can be used if a subtree of the HPSS name space needs to be
assigned to a particular file family or class of service.
A junction is a Core Server object, much like a symbolic link, that is used to point to a fileset. This fileset
may belong to the same Core Server or to a different Core Server. When pointing to a different Core
Server, junctions allow HPSS users to traverse to different subsystems.
When a Core Server initializes for the first time on an empty database, it creates the 'root node' fileset.
This is the fileset that contains the directory named '/'. For many sites this may be the only fileset needed
and no other filesets will ever be created.
10.1. Filesets & Junctions List
This window displays information about the filesets and junctions that are configured in the HPSS
system. From this window, detailed information about existing filesets and junctions can be viewed, new
filesets and junctions can be created, and existing filesets and junctions can be deleted.
To open the window, from the HPSS Health and Status window Monitor menu select Filesets &
There may be multiple entries in the list for a given fileset meaning that there are multiple junctions that
point to the same fileset. Each entry for a given fileset will have a unique Junction Name. If the
Junction Name is blank, then there are no junctions that point to the particular fileset.
The lsfilesets, lsjunctions and lshpss utilities may also be used to list all the filesets and junctions in the
system. For more information, refer to the man pages for each utility.
Field Descriptions
Class of Service. The name of the Class of Service to which the fileset is assigned. If this field
contains "NONE", the fileset has not been assigned to a Class of Service.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 308