mismatched versions may cause compatibility problems.
3.9.2. About HPSS
The About HPSS window displays version information and a portion of the HPSS copyright statement.
The About HPSS window is accessible by selecting the Help menu's “About HPSS” submenu from any of
the hpssgui windows.
The HPSS System Name and System Manager Version are not displayed when the About HPSS window
is requested from the HPSS Login window. These two pieces of information are not available until the
user actually logs into the System Manager.
Differences in the System Manager and SSM Client versions may indicate that the client and/or System
Manager code should be updated.
3.9.3. HPSS Health and Status
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 58