the end of the Volume list. If Fill Count is greater than 1, multiple labels are generated using the entered
label as a starting point.
Maximum Volumes Allowed. The maximum number of volume labels that will fit in the Volume List.
The value is 10,000 and is set by SSM. This field is non-editable.
Total Count. The total number of tapes to be imported. This is an informational field reflecting the
number of volume names generated in the Volume List and is not directly editable.
Volume List. A list of volume labels specifying the volumes to be imported. You cannot enter labels
directly into this list, but must construct it in one of the three ways described above. Use the scrollbar to
move up and down the list of labels.
You can select one or more labels from the list for the purpose of deleting them from the list (see Clear
Selected below). To select one label, click on it with the mouse; the selection will be highlighted. To
select a range, select one label; then select a second label while holding down the Shift key. The selected
labels, and all labels between the two, will be highlighted. You may also hold down the Control key
while selecting, to select or deselect individual labels without affecting any of the others.
Clear All. Clears the Volume List, and resets Fill Count and Fill Increment to 1.
Clear Selected. If one or more volumes are selected (highlighted) in the Volume list, clicking on this
button will remove them from the list. Note that this does not actually delete anything from HPSS.
Import. Begins the volume import using the displayed data. A start message is displayed on the message
line at the bottom of the window, and all window features are disabled, except for the Dismiss button;
this prevents you from modifying any data on the window while the import is in progress.
It is a good idea to have the Alarms and Events window open while import proceeds, so that all relevant
log messages can be viewed. For Tape imports, it is also helpful to have the Tape Mount Requests
window open, where you can see mount requests for each volume come and go as they are imported.
When the import is finished, a completion message is displayed and the window features are sensitized
again. You may dismiss the window before completion; however, completion messages will be displayed
in a pop-up window. At this point you can begin entering data for another import, or you can dismiss the
window. Selecting Import Type for Tape Cartridges
The following table lists information for selecting tape import types.
Any existing data on a volume imported into HPSS will be overwritten and subsequently lost!
Table 3. Tape Import Types
Current Tape Label Default Import Overwrite Import Scratch Import
A UniTree label (an ANSI
label without a trailing tape
mark) with a correct Volume
Tape Imported Label Written,
Tape Imported
Tape Imported
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 229