Using sysic to form this interconnection can be considered as four distinct operations.
• Specify the individual subsystems.
• Name and dimension the input signals.
• Specify, algebraically in terms of subsystem outputs or input signals, the output of
the interconnected system.
• Specify, algebraically in terms of subsystem outputs or input signals, the input to
each of the subsystems.
• Name the closed loop system.
The Xµ script used to create the closed-loop system variable clp is shown below. A
single-input, two-output plant is considered. sysic is used to form the closed loop system
for a particular controller. Noise and disturbance signals, in addition to a command
reference, are considered as inputs. Tracking error and the control actuation are the
outputs of interest.
# form the subsystems
p1 = [1;1]*(1/makepoly([1,1,40],"s"));
p = daug(1,1/makepoly([1,1],"s"))*p1;
c = [50*makepoly([1,1],"s")/makepoly([1,10],"s"),-20];
wght = 0.01;
Name the subsystems - these must match with the workspace variables.
snames = ["p"; "c"; "wght"]
Name the final system inputs (names are arbitrary) Parenthesis are used to give a
dimension > 1.
inputs = ["ref"; "dist"; "noise(2)"]