A.3 System Response Functions
Creating Time Domain Signals
The Xmath pdm data object allows the creation of time domain signals via standard
and operators.
Description µ-Tools function Xmath/Xµ equivalent
cosine waveform cos tr cos
sine waveform sin tr sin
stair-step waveform step tr gstep
general waveform siggen standard functions & operators
Time Responses
Xmath calculates time responses with the * operation. However, the Xµ function trsp
provides significantly more functionality in the continuous time case. The equivalences
are summarized below.
Description µ-Tools function Xmath/Xµ equivalent
continuous time response trsp trsp, *, deftimerange
discrete time response dtrsp *
sampled data response sdtrsp sdtrsp
Frequency Responses
The relevant functions are shown below.
Description µ-Tools function Xmath/Xµ equivalent
frequency response frsp freq
logarithmic vector logspace logspace
The default frequency units in µ-Tools are radians/second whereas those in Xmath are
Hertz. This applies generically to all commands where the user specifies frequency