National Instruments 370760B-01 Calculator User Manual

356 Chapter 6. Function Reference
specified. This is equivalent to:
dim1 = min(upper
output dim,lower input dim)
dim2 = min(upper
input dim,lower output dim).
# Look at a constant matrix,
M = random(4,4)
lower = [3,4]
# The interconnected LFT will have 2 rows and 3 columns
result = starp(M,lower)?
result (a rectangular matrix) =
0.261939 -0.558202 0.484644
-0.648616 -1.11273 0.107883
# This is equivalent to:
M11 = M(1:2,1:3)
M12 = M(1:2,4)
M21 = M(3:4,1:3)
M22 = M(3:4,4)
M11 + M12*lower*inv(eye(2,2)-M22*lower)*M21?
ans (a rectangular matrix) =
0.261939 -0.558202 0.484644
-0.648616 -1.11273 0.107883
# A much more common usage is to provide an interconnection