
364 Chapter 6. Function Reference
Matrices can also be included in the interconnection and are considered to be constant
gains when connected with Dynamic Systems and considered to be constant for all
domain values when connected with pdms.
sysic is able to connect linear systems together. For more complete interconnection and
simulation capabilities SystemBuild should be used.
Only 20 subsystems can be interconnected with a single sysic call.
# A standard unity gain negative feedback system
# is set up. To illustrate some of the capabilities
# an output noise and plant input disturbance are also
# added. The output signals are the plant output,
# controller effort and 10 x reference error.
p = 1/makepoly([1,0.1,1],"s")
c = makepoly([1,1],"s")/makepoly([1,10],"s")
snames = ["p"; # name for subsystem 1
inputs = ["ref"; # the name is arbitrary
"dist(2)"] # this input is a dim 2 vector
outputs = ["p + dist(1)"; # note reference to first dist input
"10*ref - 10*p"] # linear combinations can be used
conx = ["c + dist(2)"; # input to snames(1), i.e. "p"
"ref - p - dist(1)"] # input to "c"
clp = sysic(snames,inputs,outputs,conx,p,c)