62 Philips · LaserMFD 6170dw
Set Page Adjustment
Set Page Adjustment
Received faxes can automatically be adjusted to the
paper format inserted. You can also enter a fixed value
(percentage) for the paper adjustment
Setting the Paper Format
1 Press C, 4024 and OK.
2 Use [ to select automatic adjustment or whether
you would like to enter a fixed value.
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Enter a Fixed Value: Enter a percentage for the
compression between 70 and 100 per-
5 Confirm with OK.
Set a Threshold for Pagination
Set a Threshold for Pagination
Some fax transmissions contain more lines than can be
printed. Using the threshold for pagination, set from
which value these lines are printed on the second page.
All lines below this value are deleted.
1 Press C, 4027 and OK.
2 Use [ to select from the following settings:
ON—All lines which lie more than three centimetres
outside the page are printed on a second page. All
surplus lines below this value are deleted.
OFF—All lines which lie more than one centimetre
outside the page are printed on a second page. All
surplus lines below this value are deleted.
3 Confirm with OK.
Printing Multiple Copies
Printing Multiple Copies
You can apply settings to your device whereby multiple
copies of fax transmissions are printed out upon recep-
1 Press C, 4022 and OK.
2 Enter a value from 1 to 99.
3 Confirm with OK.
Locking the Device
Locking the Device
With the locking function, you can prevent unauthor-
ised persons from using your device. Only after entering
of the correct code will it be possible to access func-
tions or enter numbers. The lock will turn itself on again
after each use of the device.
Entering the PIN Code
Default Access Code
1 Press C, 921 and OK.
2 Enter a four-digit PIN code.
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Enter the code again for confirmation purposes.
5 Confirm with OK.
Locking the Keyboard
Locking the Keyboard
This function locks the entire keyboard of the device.
1 Press C, 922 and OK.
2 Enter the four-digit PIN code.
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Use [ to select whether you would like to turn the
function on or off.
5 Confirm with OK.
Locking Manual Dialling
Locking Manual Dialling
This function blocks the manual dialling of telephone
numbers. Numbers from the telephone book can be
called. Manual dialling of emergency number is not pos-
1 Press C, 923 and OK.
2 Enter the four-digit PIN code.
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Use [ to select
5 Confirm with OK.
Setting the Paper Format
For automatic adjustment, the format of the
inserted paper must be set correctly (see also
chapter Setting the Paper Format, page 59).
Default Access Code
The function is switched off with the factory-
installed access code (
0000). Change the
access code to switch on the function. If you
want to switch the function off enter the fac-
tory-installed code
0000 again.
Entering the PIN Code
If you have already saved a code, the device
will ask you to provide the old code first
before you can enter a new code.