80 Philips · LaserMFD 6170dw
Error Messages on the Transmission Report
USB Storage Medium Error Messages Possible Cause(s)
No storage space is available on the inserted USB stor-
age medium (USB stick, external hard drive, etc.). Purge
the data media or delete files to create storage space.
There is no USB storage medium (USB stick, external
hard drive) connected to the device. Check whether a
USB storage medium is connected. Disconnect this and
connect it again.
The inserted USB storage medium cannot be accessed
(no read/write access). It is possible the USB storage
medium is damaged or uses an unsupported file system.
The device only recognises storage media which are for-
matted with FAT16 or FAT32. NTFS is not supported.
The power consumption is too high or a USB device is
defective. All USB devices are deactivated.
1 Remove all connected USB devices.
2 Press o.
3 Insert another USB device into the device. Note with
which USB device the error message occurs.
You can only connect one high power device (USB 2.0)
to each USB connection. Do not connect additional de-
vices—such as batteries, fans, charging devices—to your
Error Messages on the Transmission Report Possible Cause(s)
General scanner error During the scanning process, an error occurred, for ex-
ample, a document jam (see also chapter on Fixing a Doc-
ument Jam, page 74).
User break The transmission process was interrupted by pressing
the j-key on the transmitting unit.
Busy or no fax answer
Subscriber has disconnected
If the subscriber is busy, the device dials the number
again after some time. After six attempts, the transmis-
sion process is cancelled. Try again at a later date.
Call the number and check whether the number is a fax
number and whether the connected fax device is ready
to receive (whistling tone or silence). Press FAX or o
to send the message manually.
Ask the recipient whether the device is ready to receive.
Non programmed number The recipient’s number is no longer stored in the device.
This can occur, for example, if you have selected the tel-
ephone book entry as a recipient for a fax message
which should be sent at a later time and delete the tele-
phone book entry before the time of transmission.