Tektronix 3000 Switch User Manual

Effects Send Operations (Option)
Connect these Aux Bus outputs to the DPM inputs.
Connect the DPM outputs to switcher primary inputs
numbered J7 and J8 of the Serial Input Module.
Map the DPM Inputs (DPM Map Inputs Menu)
On the Config/Map Inputs Menu: Map DPM 1, Channel 1
video and key to crosspoints numbered 5 and 6, respectively.
Set up the DPM configurations:
On the Config/External Interface/DPM Setup Menu:
DPM 1; Type=None; Port Assign=None; Channel
Set Video Delay to 2 fields; Control Delay to 6 fields.
On the DPM Map Aux Buses Menu:
Set DPM 1 for 1 channel, and Aux Bus 1
On the DPM Map Inputs Menu:
Set DPM 1, Channel 1, Video input #5, Key input #6
On the Config/Aux Bus Format Menu:
2200/4000: N/A (Aux 1–4 ‘b’ are key only):
3000: Set Aux Bus #1b for Key
On the Config/Inputs/Map Inputs Menu
Set Logical Channel Device #1, and Channel 1 for both
video and key; set Video/Key Format to shaping on or off
depending on the output of the external device.