Effects Send Operations (Option)
Connect these Aux Bus outputs to the DPM inputs.
■ Connect the DPM outputs to switcher primary inputs
numbered J7 and J8 of the Serial Input Module.
■ Map the DPM Inputs (DPM Map Inputs Menu)
■ On the Config/Map Inputs Menu: Map DPM 1, Channel 1
video and key to crosspoints numbered 5 and 6, respectively.
■ Set up the DPM configurations:
■ On the Config/External Interface/DPM Setup Menu:
DPM 1; Type=None; Port Assign=None; Channel
Set Video Delay to 2 fields; Control Delay to 6 fields.
■ On the DPM Map Aux Buses Menu:
Set DPM 1 for 1 channel, and Aux Bus 1
■ On the DPM Map Inputs Menu:
Set DPM 1, Channel 1, Video input #5, Key input #6
■ On the Config/Aux Bus Format Menu:
2200/4000: N/A (Aux 1–4 ‘b’ are key only):
3000: Set Aux Bus #1b for Key
■ On the Config/Inputs/Map Inputs Menu
Set Logical Channel Device #1, and Channel 1 for both
video and key; set Video/Key Format to shaping on or off
depending on the output of the external device.