Appendix A — Shaped and Unshaped Video
Examples of Operation With Shaped and Unshaped Fill Video
Since the shaped fill video must be accurately timed to the key
signal, it normally must come from the same external device that
generates the key.
Illustrations are included on the following pages to show what
happens when the switcher input is configured properly and
improperly to accept shaped or unshaped fill video.
In these examples, the video fill comes from a DPM that provides
both a key signal and a fill video signal.
Figure A-2 shows the key signal from the DPM, and Figure A-3
shows the Shaped fill video from the DPM when it is set for a
Shaped output. Unshaped fill video from the DPM when it is set
for an Unshaped output is shown in Figure A-4. Note the hard
noisy edges at the outer edge of the key. This noise is normal and
will not appear in the final composite.
Figure A-2. Appearance of Key Signal to be Used (from DPM)