Winbook X2 Laptop User Manual

A “word” used by the computer. It consists of 8 bits of information.
Abbreviated with a capital B.
Memory that is used to improve performance by keeping recently used
or soon-to-be-needed data in a separate memory position where it will
not need to be searched for. This cache can be either an actual hardware
cache with its own memory, or a section of your RAM separated off for
this function.
A computer on a network that relies on another “server” computer
to provide some of its programs or functions, or for its connection
to other computers on the network.
Clock Speed
This is the measure of how fast a computer’s CPU (central processing
unit) runs. It is usually expressed in MHz (megahertz), or millions of
cycles per second. It is the number associated with the CPU of your
system (as in an 833 MHz processor).
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
CMOS RAM is used to keep track of the system configuration when
the power is off. The information is controlled by the Setup program.
The CMOS chip is also the location of your computer’s internal clock.
Control Panel
A program in Windows that allows you to change many of the basic
hardware and software settings for you system.
User’s Manual
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