ZyXEL Communications 782R Network Router User Manual

Prestige 782R G.SHDSL Router
Glossary E
be stored, booted and rewritten as necessary.
Frame Type Each frame type is a separate logical network, even though they exist on one physical
network. Frame Types are 802.2, 802.3, Ethernet II (DIX) and SNAP (Sub-Network
Access Protocol).
FTP File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file transfer service that operates on the Internet
and over TCP/IP networks. FTP is basically a client/server protocol in which a system
running the FTP server accepts commands from a system running an FTP client. The
service allows users to send commands to the server for uploading and downloading
files. FTP is popular on the Internet because it allows for speedy transfer of large files
between two systems.
G.SHDSL A Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line is a symmetrical, bi-directional DSL
service that operates on one twisted-pair wire. The “G.” in “G.SHDSL” is defined by the
G.991.2 ITU (International Telecommunication Union) state-of-the-art industry
standard. G.SHDSL provides data rates up to 2.3 Mbits/sec. Unlike traditional HDSL
systems, which use two twisted pair, G.SHDSL reduces equipment and lease-line
costs by providing the same service using only one twisted pair. See also DSL.
Gateway A gateway is a computer system or other device that acts as a translator between two
systems that do not use the same communication protocols, data formatting
structures, languages and/or architecture.
HDLC High-level Data Link Control is a bit-oriented (the data is monitored bit by bit), link layer
protocol for the transmission of data over synchronous networks.
Host Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to other
computers on the network. It is quite common to have one host computer provide
several services, such as WWW and USENET.
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The most common protocol used on the Internet. HTTP
is the primary protocol used for web sites and web browsers. It is also prone to certain
kinds of attacks.
IANA Internet Assigned Number Authority acts as the clearinghouse to assign and
coordinate the use of numerous Internet protocol parameters such as Internet
addresses, domain names, protocol numbers and more.
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol is a message control and error-reporting protocol
between a host server and a gateway to the Internet. ICMP uses Internet Protocol (IP)
datagrams, but the messages are processed by the TCP/IP software and are not
directly apparent to the application user.
Inside Wiring Wiring that is done from the point of demarcation to the jack in the wall where the line
Internet (Lower case i) Any time you connect 2 or more networks together, you have an