ZyXEL Communications 782R Network Router User Manual

Prestige 782R G.SHDSL Router
L Glossary
a host system. Objects include directories and an assortment of file types, including
text files, graphics, video and audio. A URL is the address of an object that is normally
typed in the Address field of a Web browser. The URL is basically a pointer to the
location of an object.
By prior mutual agreement, each protocol is assigned to a specific virtual circuit, eg.,
VCI carries IP, VC2 carries IPX, etc. VC-based multiplexing may be dominant in
environments where dynamic creation of large numbers of ATM VCs is fast and
WAN Wide Area Networks link geographically dispersed offices in other cities or around the
globe. Just about any long-distance communication medium can serve as a WAN link,
including switched and permanent telephone circuits, terrestrial radio systems and
satellite systems.
WWW World Wide Web. Frequently used when referring to "The Internet", WWW has 2
major meanings. One, loosely used, the whole constellation of resources that can be
accessed using Gopher, FTP, HTTP, telnet, USENET, WAIS and some other tools.
Two, the universe of hypertext servers (HTTP servers).
XDSL Digital Subscriber Line(s) where x, when specified, denotes a particular flavor of DSL,