Command Reference Guide Quality of Service (QoS) Map Commands
61200510L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 1347
Use the match command to specify which traffic should be processed by this QoS map. Possible variations
of this command include:
match dscp <0-63>
match ip rtp <port #>
match ip rtp <first port # in range> <last port # in range>
match ip rtp <first port # in range> <last port # in range> all
match list <listname>
match precedence <0-7>
match protocol bridge
match protocol bridge netbeui
Syntax Description
dscp <0-63> Matches IP packets with the specified DSCP value.
ip rtp <start><end> all Matches RTP packets with even UDP destination port numbers in the
specified range (between start and end). If all (which is optional) is specified,
even and odd ports are matched in the specified range.
list <listname> Specifies the name of the access-list (ACL) you wish to use to match packets
for this QoS map. Refer to
ip access-list extended <listname> on page 392 for
more information on creating access-lists.
precedence <0-7> Matches IP packets with the specified IP precedence value.
protocol bridge Matches frames being bridged by the router.
protocol bridge netbeui Matches only NetBEUI frames being bridged by the router.
Default Values
No default value is necessary for this command.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 300, 1000R, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900
Series units.
Command History
Release 6.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following example assigns a traffic match pattern to the existing QoS map VOICEMAP:
(config)#qos map VOICEMAP 10
(config-qos-map)#match ip rtp 16384 20000