Command Reference Guide DDS Interface Configuration Command Set
61200510L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 579
clock rate [auto | bps56k | bps64k]
Use the clock rate command to configure the data rate used as the operating speed for the interface. This
rate should match the rate required by the DDS service provider. Use the no form of this command to
return to the default value.
Syntax Description
auto Automatically detects the clock rate and sets to match.
bps56k Sets the clock rate to 56 kbps.
bps64k Sets the clock rate to 64 kbps.
Default Values
By default, the rate is set to auto.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, and 4000 Series units.
Command History
Release 1.1 Command was introduced.
Functional Notes
When operating at 64 kbps (clear channel operation), the DTE data sequences may mimic network loop
maintenance functions and erroneously cause other network elements to activate loopbacks. Use the
data-coding scrambled command to prevent such occurrences. See
data-coding scrambled on page 581
for related information.
Usage Examples
The following example configures the clock rate for 56 kbps operation:
(config)#interface dds 1/1
(config-dds 1/1)#clock rate bps56k