Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
copy destination
configuration file management 2-31
copy source
configuration file management 2-30
invalid combinations 2-32
from the switch or server to a configura-
tion file 2-29
running configuration to startup configu-
ration 2-28, 2-29, 2-32
startup configuration to running configu-
ration 2-29
to a TFTP server 2-29
to the switch 2-29
copying files 2-31
copying from/to a TFTP server 2-31
copying source files 2-29
IP static route parameters 9-25
OSPF interface parameters 11-8
CPU redundancy configuration
APP1 7-10
APP2 7-10
power-up/reset image 7-10
startup config 7-10
status 7-10
CRC alignment errors
Ethernet interface statistical parameters
creating a BOOTP/DHCP server entry 9-27,
creating a multinet interface 9-13
creating a static client port 16-18, 16-19
creating a VRRP router 9-74
creating access rules for filtering traffic
between subnets 9-22
creating an AppleTalk interface 15-3, 15-7
creating an AppleTalk static route 15-10
creating an AppleTalk zone filter 15-18
creating an IP interface 9-2, 9-8, 9-11
creating an IPX interface 12-7, 12-10
creating an NBP filter
AppleTalk 15-13
creating an VRRP virtual router 9-74, 9-76
Creating Hunt Groups 4-23
creating IP interface access list rules 9-15
creating IPX RIP filters 13-3, 13-7
creating IPX SAP filters 14-4
creating IPX SAP network filters 14-8, 14-12
creating IPX static routes 12-10, 12-12
creating IPX static services 12-14, 12-15
creating OSPF summaries 11-13, 11-14, 11-
Creating OSPF Summaries Using the Web
Agent 11-13
creating OSPF virtual links 11-9, 11-11
creating static ARP entries
IP static route 9-25
Creating Static Client Ports 16-18
creating static IP routes 9-24
Crossbar 1-5, 1-7
crossbar features supported 1-5, 1-7
current entries
forwarding cache (FE) parameters 18-11
current number of routes
AppleTalk route table statistics 15-30
DVMRP routing statistical parameters 9-63
IP routing table statistical parameters 9-49
current number of zones
AppleTalk zone table statistics 15-33
current power available
power system statistical parameters 3-16
data bits
console serial port settings 2-19
one-time summer time hours configura-
tion 3-11
summer time hours configuration 3-9
DD number
OSPF neighbors parameters 11-21
DDP forward counter
AppleTalk global statistics 15-24
DDP input counter
AppleTalk global statistics 15-24
DDP local counter
AppleTalk global statistics 15-24
DDP output counter
AppleTalk global statistics 15-24
DDP output long
AppleTalk global statistics 15-24
DDP output short
AppleTalk global statistics 15-24
dead interval
OSPF interface parameters 11-8
OSPF virtual link parameters 11-11