Chapter 2
Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
6. Select a security level from the Security Level pull-down
menu (refer to Table2-4).
7. Select Enable from the Trap Receiver field pull-down menu.
Disable is the default
* Note: Select Enable only if you selected Specific from
the IP Address field.
8. Click APPLY to save your changes, or CANCEL to clear your
* Note: If you click Apply, the changes are saved in the
Running config only. The Startup config has not
changed. Therefore, these and other changes
will be lost if your switch goes down or if you
power it off.
To save these changes, you must copy the
Running config as the Startup configuration.
Refer to the section “Copying Configuration
Files" section later in this chapter.
Setting Up
Using the CLI
To set the SNMP communities parameters using the CLI, enter the
following command:
> snmp-server community <string>{ro|rw |none}[{normal| admin}]
Refer to the Cajun™ P550™/P880/P882 Command Line Interface
Reference Guide for Version 5.0 for details about this command.
Read-Write with
Security Level
Set to admin
View and set all switch
parameters, including
community table.
None Disable a string without
deleting it.
Access any switch
Table 2-3. Access Level Field Optionscontinued
Access Level Manager Can... Manager
Table 2-4. Security Level Field Options
Option Allows Access to...
normal All switch configuration and reporting functions.
admin All switch configuration and reporting functions, including
access to community configuration.