LED-PRO • User’s Guide 113
5. Upgrading Software
Downloading Software
Two different methods can be used to download LED-PRO software and the Flash File
Loader utility:
• Via FTP Site
• Via Web Site
Barco Folsom's FTP site address is: ftp.folsom.com
To download from the FTP site:
1. Create a target folder on your PC (e.g., LED-PRO).
2. If you are using an FTP client, logon to our site as follows:
~ User name: anonymous
~ Password: your email address
S Example: johndoe@somecompany.com
If you are using a web browser to access our FTP site, point the browser to:
3. Once logged on, navigate to the following directory:
4. Transfer the following file to the target folder on your PC:
5. Please continue with the “Serial Upgrade Method
” section on page 114.
Barco Folsom's web site address is: http://www.folsom.com
To download from the web site:
1. Create a target folder on your PC (e.g., LED-PRO).
2. On the web, navigate to http://video.folsom.com
3. Click “Downloads” to access the Downloads Page.
4. Using the “Select Video Product” pull-down menu, click LED-PRO.
5. In the “Software” section, click the Download button for the latest version of
system software.
6. When the File Download Dialog appears, click Save to save the file to your
7. When the Save As Dialog appears, navigate to the target folder and click Save.
8. Please continue with the “Serial Upgrade Method
” section on page 114.