148 LED-PRO • User’s Guide
LED-PRO Remote Commands
• Parameters: nnnn - Output Horizontal Sync Width: nnnn [4 - (Output H Total -
Output H Active - Output Horizontal Front Porch -4)]
• Query:
Returns the Output Horizontal Sync Width value in the format
= nnnn
S OHSYNC 120 (Set Output Horizontal Sync Width to 120)
S OHSYNC? (Queries Output Horizontal Sync Width)
• Description: Set Output Horizontal Total. The minimum and maximum limit is
dependent on the output resolution.
• Parameters: nnnn - Output Horizontal Total: nnnn [(Output Hsync + Output
Hactive + (Output Hpos - Output Hsync)) - +(Actual Output H Total * 9/5)]
• Query:
Returns the Output Horizontal Total value in the format
= nnnn
S OHTOTAL 1344 (Set Output Horizontal Total to 1344)
S OHTOTAL? (Queries Output Horizontal Total)
• Description: Sets Internal Test pattern mode and raster box mode.
• Parameters:
type - Test Pattern type: type[0..10] 0=Off, 1=H Ramp, 2=V Ramp,
3=100% Col Bars, 4=75% Col bars,5=16x16 Grid, 6=32x32 Grid,
7=Burst, 8=50% Gray, 9=Gray Steps 1, 10=Gray Steps 2
rast - Raster Box: rast[0-1] On | Off
• Query:
Returns the Test pattern mode and raster box mode in the format
= type rast
S OTPM 9 0 (Selects Gray Steps 1 test pattern with raster off)
S OTPM? (Query test pattern mode and with raster box mode)
• Description: Set Output Vertical Active. The minimum and maximum limit is
dependent on the output resolution.
• Parameters: nnnn - Output Vertical Active: nnnn[ (Actual Output V Active * 2/10,
with absolute minimum value of 150) - +(Actual Output V Active *6/5, with
absolute maximum value of Output V Total - Output V Sync)]