LED-PRO • User’s Guide 151
LED-PRO Remote Commands
• Query:
Returns the custom format's Horizontal Total value in the format
= nnnn
S EFHTOTAL 1344 (Set custom format H Total as 1344)
S EFHTOTAL? (Query the custom format's H Total value)
• Description: Set custom format's Horizontal Active value.
• Parameters: nnnn - H Active [500 - +(H Total - H Sync - H Front Porch)]
• Query:
Returns the custom format's Horizontal Active value in the format
= nnnn
S EFHATV 1024 (Set custom format H Active as 1024)
S EFHATV? (Query the custom format's H Active value)
• Description: Set custom format's Horizontal Front Porch value.
• Parameters: nn - H Front Porch [4 - +( H Total - H Active - H Sync - 4)]
• Query:
Returns the custom format's Horizontal Front Porch value in the format
= nn
S EFHFP 5 (Set custom format H Front Porch as 5)
S EFHFP? (Query the custom format's H Front Porch value)
• Description: Set custom format's Horizontal Sync value.
• Parameters: nn - H Sync [4 - +( H Total - H Active - H Front Porch - 4)]
• Query:
Returns the custom format's Horizontal Sync value in the format
= nn
S EFHSYNC 5 (Set custom format H Sync as 5)
S EFHSYNC? (Query the custom format's H Sync value)
• Description: Query custom format's Horizontal Rate value (kHz).