7-36 Advanced Features
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Defragmenting a Volume Containing Persistent
NOTICE: Defragmenting a volume containing persistent images without using the following
procedure can delete your persistent images and will degrade your system performance.
NOTE: If you do not have persistent images on your volume, this procedure does not apply.
NOTE: To defragment a volume, you must delete all persistent images on that volume.
To defragment a volume containing persistent images, perform the following steps:
1 On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks.
2 Click ActiveArchive.
3 Click Schedules.
4 Select a scheduled persistent image and click Delete.
5 Repeat until all scheduled persistent images are deleted.
6 Click Back.
7 Click Persistent Images.
8 Select a persistent image and click Delete.
9 Repeat until all persistent images are deleted.
10 Click Maintenance.
11 Click Terminal Services.
12 Log in to the system.
13 Click Exit to close the Advanced Administration Menu.
14 Double-click My Appliance.
15 Right-click the drive you are going to defragment.
16 Click Properties.
17 Click Tools.
18 Click Defragment Now.
The Defragmentation window displays.