User's Manual5-2
These sections will familiarize you with how setup mode works.
Once you understand the basics, use the following sections to select
printer options that are compatible with your computer system’s
hardware and software setup:
• Printing a List of Selected Options
• Deciding Which Options to Change
• MENU1 and MENU2 Items and Options
• Hardware Items and Options
• Print Position Adjustment Items and Options
• Configuration Items and Options
• Head Gap Adjustment Items and Options
• Exiting and Saving
To restore the printer default settings (factory defaults or power-on
defaults), see the section Resetting Defaults later in this chapter.
For information on using the SELF-TST, HEX-DUMP, and V-ALMNT
functions, see the section Using the Diagnostic Functions later in this
For Experienced Users:
Once you are familiar with setup mode, you may want to use the flowchart
at the end of this chapter for quick reference. The flowchart lists all printer
setup functions, items, and options.
Before entering setup mode, load continuous forms paper from the
front tractor into the printer as described in Chapter 3. Several sheets
of paper may be required to make all of your setup mode selections.
To enter setup mode, follow these steps:
1. Make sure that continuous forms paper is loaded and press the
PAPER PATH button to select the approporiate paper path.
2. Press the ONLINE button to place the printer offline.