GE GFK-1918D Computer Accessories User Manual

GE Fanuc PLC Targets
Interacting with the PLC
34 CIMPLICITY Logic Developer - PLC Version 4.00 GFK-1918D
When you issue such commands, the communication link becomes active while
performing the operation and then returns to an idle state. When the Offline PLC
Operations option is disabled, the only PLC operation you can perform while
offline is to go online.
Note: You enable or disable the PLC Offline Operations option in the Options tab
of the Navigator. For more information, see page 19.
While online to a target PLC, a communication link exists and is active and you
have an ongoing real-time communication with the PLC. You can perform
commands to monitor and control the PLC’s action and memory including the
commands available when offline. Also, while online, the LD editor displays a
graphical representation of LD logic as it executes, if the PLC’s project is equal to
the current project. You can edit LD logic while online; you are prompted to
download your word-for-word changes. For more information on word-for-word
changes, see page 73.
To go online to a PLC
In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target PLC and choose Go Online.
Logic Developer - PLC connects your project to the PLC. The online status is
indicated by the target icon in the Project tab and on the status bar.
Note: When online to a PLC, the target icon in the Project tab of the Navigator
appears as (equal), (not equal), or (stop faulted).
To go offline from a PLC
In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target PLC and choose Go Offline.
Logic Developer - PLC goes offline.
Want to know more?
In the Help Index, look up “Offline versus Online”.
Want to know more?
In the Help Index, look up “going online with a PLC” and “going offline
from a PLC”.